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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Repel Those Pests Naturally

Many commercial insect repellents contain chemicals that can be toxic to humans when they are not washed off the skin after a few hours or if they are by accidently ingested, such as the powerful repellent DEET. There are some more natural ways to ward off the mosquitos, wasps and other summer critters that don’t require as many chemicals.

Put your clothes on! - For starters, a great way to repel bugs from your skin is to wear clothing at dusk (when the bugs are out in full force!) that provides a lot of cover, like a long-sleeve shirt or pants.

Citronella – Then there is always a good old citronella candle or citronella incense, which may not be the most effective insect repellents on the market but do mean no chemicals are applied to the skin.

Make your own, Naturally! If you’re looking for a contact repellent for the skin, there are a few DIY recipes for natural, plant-based repellents that are non-toxic but do need to be used still in safe quantities. These recipes use what are called essential oils mixed with an alcohol or a ‘carrier oil’ to dilute the essential oils so they’re safely applied to the skin.

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